Jumat, 11 November 2011
Perdiz verde es el nombre de un tipo de bandadas de aves de la tribu, incluso Phasianidae, los pollos de la familia a saber, codornices, pavos reales, y sempidan. Perdiz se cree que los antepasados de la mayoría de los pollos domésticos que existen en el archipiélago. El pollo es llamado por varios nombres en diferentes lugares, tales como canghegar o cangehgar (Sd.), pollo base (Jw.), allas AJEM o tarattah (MD).
Tiene el nombre científico de la especie Gallus varius (Shaw, 1798), el pollo está en Inglés se conoce como la Junglefowl Green, Java Junglefowl, Forktail o verde javanesa Junglefowl, en referencia al color y el lugar de origen.
Las aves que son grandes, la longitud total del cuerpo (medida desde la punta del pico a la punta de la cola) de unos 60 cm de un gallo, y 42 cm en las hembras.
Peine de un gallo no es sierra, pero los bordes redondeados, de color rojo, con un color azulado en el medio. Las plumas en el cuello, la nuca y el abrigo verde brillante con el borde (margen) de negro, parecen escamas de pez. El cierre de una longitud de las plumas de la cadera cónico de color amarillo dorado con un centro negro. La parte inferior de un cuerpo negro y la cola negro verdoso brillante. Las hembras son más pequeñas, color amarillo pardo, con rayas y manchas de color negro.
Iris rojo, pico de color blanco-gris, y las piernas ligeramente amarillento o rojizo.
[Editar] Distribución y Hábitos
Me gustó pollos y el área berpadang abierto de hierba, los bordes del bosque y las áreas con colinas bajas cerca de la costa. Verde de pollo son los bosques conocen casos de transmisión limitada de Java y las islas de Nusa Tenggara, incluyendo Bali. En el oeste de Java fue grabado en vivo a una altura de 1.500 metros de altitud, en el este de Java a 3.000 m sobre el nivel del mar y en Lombok a 2.400 m sobre el nivel del mar.
De pollo por la mañana y la tarde suele ser de forraje en los espacios abiertos y verdes, mientras que en un refugio de verano a la sombra del dosel del bosque. Bosque Verde Pollo de comer varias semillas, brotes de hierba y hojas, insectos varios, así como diversos tipos de pequeños animales, como arañas, gusanos, ranas y lagartijas.
El pollo es visto a menudo en grupos de 2-7, la cola o más, el forraje en el pasto cerca de una colección de grandes ungulados como el búfalo, vaca o un toro. Además de la caza insectos perturbado por los grandes animales, el verde de pollo-Forest se sabe que desmontar y feliz herbívoros compactación de tierra en busca de las semillas que no han sido digeridos, o los insectos que se alimentan de los residuos.
Por la noche, la perdiz estaba durmiendo en un bosque de bambú no muy separadas, arbustos, hojas de palma o de los bosques a una altura de 1,5 a 4 m del suelo.
Bosque verde de pollo de cría entre octubre y noviembre en Java Occidental y aproximadamente marzo a julio en el este de Java. Hecho en un nido sencillo en el suelo cubierto de hierba, a la sombra de un arbusto o hierba alta. 3-4 huevos granos blanquecinos.
A diferencia de sus descendientes de pollo, pollo-Green Forest volar inteligente. Chicas de este bosque ha sido capaz de volar para evitar el peligro en un par de semanas. Pollos adultos son capaces de volar de inmediato y verticalmente en una rama de un árbol cercano a una altura de 7 metros o más. Volando horizontalmente, Pollo-Bosque Verde es capaz de volar en línea recta hasta varios cientos de metros, e incluso cree que es capaz de volar de isla en isla a través del mar adyacente.
Mañana y tarde, el gallo cantó con una voz distintiva, fuerte nasal. Al principio, la prueba de sonido-kreh .. varias veces en una fila como el sonido del estornudo, seguido por la prueba de sonido kreh-ki .. 10-15 veces, a intervalos de varias decenas de segundos, el más largo es el jedanya más. Canto suele ser seguida inmediatamente o se reunió por uno o varios machos que viven cerca. Gallina cacareando como una gallina, con un pequeño sonido fuerte, por la mañana al salir de su cama.
[Editar] El pollo y la selva humana
Perdiz verde es un pariente cercano de la ancestral pollo domesticado aves, rojas de la selva (Gallus gallus domesticus). Red aves de la selva generalizada que van desde la cordillera del Himalaya, sur de China, el sudeste de Asia, hasta Sumatra y Java. Por otro lado, el pollo, los bosques verdes distribuidas en Java, Bali y Nusa Tenggara otras islas.
Los bosques de pollo de Java Oriental se conoce como una fuente de ancianos para producir bekisar pollo. Bekisar es un cruce entre el bosque de pollo verde con pollo. Bekisar desarrollados la gente para producir un bello plumaje decorativos pollo, y sobre todo para obtener un pollo con un cuervo normal. Debido a su voz, bekisar pollo puede alcanzar un precio muy alto. Bekisar también se convirtieron en símbolos de la fauna local de Java Oriental.
[Editar] Material de Lectura
Rabu, 14 September 2011
Inilah Kontestan Liga Super Indonesia 2011/2012 Jumat, 24 Juni 2011 Liga Super Indonesia Setelah Persidafon keluar sebagai pemenang dalam pertandingan Play-Off Liga Super Indonesia dengan menyingkirkan Bontang FC, maka lengkaplah sudah seluruh kontestan LSI untuk musim kompetisi 2011/2012. Berikut ini adalah daftar tim peserta Liga Super Indonesia 2011/2012: 1 Persipura Jayapura 2 Arema Indonesia 3 Persija Jakarta 4 Semen Padang 5 Sriwijaya FC Palembang 6 Persisam Samarinda 7 Persib Bandung 8 Persiwa Wamena 9 Persela Lamongan 10 Persiba Balikpapan 11 PSPS Pekanbaru 12 Pelita Jaya Jawa Barat 13 Deltras Sidoarjo 14 Persijap Jepara 15 Persiraja Banda Aceh 16 Persiba Bantul 17 Mitra Kukar Kutai Kertanegara 18 Persidafon Dafonsoro
Senin, 05 September 2011
Usaha, Energi, dan Daya
View more documents from Aidia Propitious
Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011
Jayabaya forecast
As the king and poet, Jayabaya looking far ahead with the eyes of the heart and feelings. He predicted the state of chaos, which he called wolak-waliking era. Circumstances upside down all the time.
Brikut list Jayabaya forecast dapetin gw yg via wiki:
1. Yen wis ana visiting Crete without jaran --- Later if there is already a train without a horse.
2. Java --- Java kalungan wesi Berkalung iron.
3. Ing work properly Prahu vertex clouds --- Boat walk in space.
4. Kali ilang kedhunge --- River lost springs.
5. Market --- Market ilang kumandhang lose votes.
6. Iku tandha yen wis cedhak tekane Jayabaya era --- That's the sign of the times Jayabaya been approached.
7. I shrink my suwe Earth --- Earth's increasingly shrinking.
8. Sekilan dipajeki earth --- a span of land taxable.
9. Jaran hooked manganese sauce --- Horses like to eat chili.
10. Wong wadon nganggo pakeyan lanang --- The women dressed men.
11. Tandhane iku wong yen would nemoni waliking wolak-era --- That's a sign of people will experience age-behind berbolak
12. Akeh promise ora ditetepi --- Many promises are not kept.
13. Akeh wong wani nglanggar sumpahe dhewe --- Many people dare to violate their own oath.
* Manungsa padha seneng Him --- People are throwing errors.
14. Ora ngendahake law of God --- no matter the law of God.
15. Wicked stuff pulled up --- The evil-cherished upheld.
16. Goods --- The holy scriptures hated (it) hated.
17. Akeh manungsa may ngutamakke dhuwit --- Many people only concerned with money.
18. --- Lali kamanungsan Forgot humanitarian identity.
19. Lali kabecikan --- Forget the good wisdom.
20. Lali lali relatives Lost relatives --- sometimes forget you.
21. Akeh father lali --- Many children forget the child's father.
22. Akeh children wani nglawan brave mother --- Many children against their mothers.
23. --- Challenging the father challenged father.
24. Sedulur padha cidra --- brothers and sisters to each other treasonous.
25. Kulawarga padha suspicious --- Family of mutual mistrust.
26. Kanca dadi mungsuh --- my friend into foe.
27. Akeh manungsa asale lali --- Many people forget the origins.
28. Ratu ora Ukuman fair --- King unfair Punishment
29. Akeh rank odd lan sing evil evil --- Many officials and odd
30. Akeh s bizarre behavior-disposition --- Many odd tantrum
31. Wong slick-slick padha kapencil --- People who are either just left out.
32. Akeh wong welcome gawe slick-slick padha krasa isin --- Many people actually feel embarrassed lawful employment.
33. The main Luwih ngapusi --- More prioritize deceptive.
34. Wegah welcome gawe --- Lazy to work.
35. Urip want luxury --- wanted to live in luxury.
36. Ngumbar passions rage, lust nggedhekake duraka --- Removing the insolence, fostered lawlessness.
37. Wong bener-thenger thenger --- People (who) really confused.
38. Wong --- Bungah one person (a) one jolly happy.
39. Wong --- neat hue rebuffed-person (a) either rejected rebuffed (pinged-pong).
40. Wong --- Those evil munggah rank (the) evil promoted.
41. Wong --- The great kasinggung (a) noble abused
42. Wong --- People kapuja style (that) evil praised.
43. Wong --- wadon ilang kawirangane missing women ashamed.
44. Wong lanang ilang kaprawirane --- Male missing officer / virility
45. Akeh wong ora lanang duwe Bojo --- Many men do not want a wife.
46. Akeh wong ora wadon Setya Marang bojone --- Many women reneges on her husband.
47. Akeh mother padha ngedol anake --- Many mothers sell children.
48. Akeh wong wadon ngedol awake --- Many women sell themselves.
49. Akeh wong ijol bebojo --- Many people exchange wives / husbands.
50. Wong --- Women wadon horse ride on horseback.
51. Wong lanang Linggih plangki --- Male up litter.
52. Randha seuang loro --- Two widows seuang prices (red.: seuang = 8.5 cents).
53. Seaga Prawan --- Five five five picis virgin.
54. Behavior of the nine money Dhudha lame lame --- Duda sold nine of money.
55. Akeh wong ngedol ngelmu --- Many people trade knowledge.
56. Akeh wong admit-I --- Many people claim to be.
57. White Njabane njerone dhadhu --- Outside the white in the orange.
58. Ngakune holy, nanging sucine --- Claiming false saint, but a mere fake.
59. Akeh cajoled akeh lojo --- Many many deceptions deceptive.
60. Akeh Udan one prey --- Lots of rain one season.
61. Akeh prawan tuwa --- Many an old maid.
62. Akeh randha nglairake children --- Many widows have the baby.
63. Akeh baby born nggoleki bapakne --- Many children born to find his father.
64. Religion akeh sing challenging --- Religious widely repudiated.
65. I Prikamanungsan ilang --- Humanity getting lost.
66. Omah holy shrine despised --- shunned.
67. Omah ala I adored --- House immoral increasingly revered.
68. Wong wadon meretricious ngendi-Endi --- ing whore women everywhere.
69. --- Many Akeh anathema curse
70. Akeh pengkianat --- Many traitors.
71. Children --- Kids eat manganese father of the father.
72. Sedulur manganese sedulur brother --- you eat.
73. Kanca dadi mungsuh --- my friend into foe.
74. --- Master Teacher disatru enemy.
75. Appliances padha --- Neighbors suspicious of each other suspiciously.
76. Kana-kene my insolence --- Fury became increasingly angry.
77. Sing weruh kebubuhan --- Anyone know affected by the load.
78. Sing ora weruh ketutuh who do not know --- Moderate blame.
79. Ana yen battle tomorrow --- Later in the event of war.
80. Teka saka wetan, west, south lan lor --- Coming from the east, west, south and north.
81. Akeh wong Becik my passion --- A lot of good people more miserable.
82. Wong --- Moderate seneng my evil evil happier.
83. Iku Wektu akeh dhandhang diunekake egrets --- When it's arguably the crow heron.
84. Wong was one shall prevail --- The one deemed correct.
85. Traitor Traitor --- delicious delights.
86. My wicked wicked --- perfect more perfect.
87. Wong --- wicked wicked munggah rank advancement.
88. Wong --- kebelenggu naive innocent man shackled.
89. Wong --- mulya dikunjara noble man who imprisoned.
90. --- That 's cheating cheating ferocious power.
91. Sing honest kojur --- The honest passion.
92. Traders Traders --- keplarang akeh sing many drowned.
93. Wong --- ndadi play akeh sing Gambler many rampant.
94. Akeh illicit goods --- Many illicit goods.
95. --- Many Akeh illegitimate child illegitimate child.
96. Wong wong wadon nglamar lanang --- Women applying for males.
97. Wong lanang ngasorake drajate dhewe --- Male disparage the degree itself.
98. Akeh mlebu leisure goods --- Many items wasted.
99. Akeh wong kaliren lan wuda --- Many people are hungry and naked.
100. Wong tuku ngglenik lunkhead s --- Buyer to persuade the seller.
As the king and poet, Jayabaya looking far ahead with the eyes of the heart and feelings. He predicted the state of chaos, which he called wolak-waliking era. Circumstances upside down all the time.
Brikut list Jayabaya forecast dapetin gw yg via wiki:
1. Yen wis ana visiting Crete without jaran --- Later if there is already a train without a horse.
2. Java --- Java kalungan wesi Berkalung iron.
3. Ing work properly Prahu vertex clouds --- Boat walk in space.
4. Kali ilang kedhunge --- River lost springs.
5. Market --- Market ilang kumandhang lose votes.
6. Iku tandha yen wis cedhak tekane Jayabaya era --- That's the sign of the times Jayabaya been approached.
7. I shrink my suwe Earth --- Earth's increasingly shrinking.
8. Sekilan dipajeki earth --- a span of land taxable.
9. Jaran hooked manganese sauce --- Horses like to eat chili.
10. Wong wadon nganggo pakeyan lanang --- The women dressed men.
11. Tandhane iku wong yen would nemoni waliking wolak-era --- That's a sign of people will experience age-behind berbolak
12. Akeh promise ora ditetepi --- Many promises are not kept.
13. Akeh wong wani nglanggar sumpahe dhewe --- Many people dare to violate their own oath.
* Manungsa padha seneng Him --- People are throwing errors.
14. Ora ngendahake law of God --- no matter the law of God.
15. Wicked stuff pulled up --- The evil-cherished upheld.
16. Goods --- The holy scriptures hated (it) hated.
17. Akeh manungsa may ngutamakke dhuwit --- Many people only concerned with money.
18. --- Lali kamanungsan Forgot humanitarian identity.
19. Lali kabecikan --- Forget the good wisdom.
20. Lali lali relatives Lost relatives --- sometimes forget you.
21. Akeh father lali --- Many children forget the child's father.
22. Akeh children wani nglawan brave mother --- Many children against their mothers.
23. --- Challenging the father challenged father.
24. Sedulur padha cidra --- brothers and sisters to each other treasonous.
25. Kulawarga padha suspicious --- Family of mutual mistrust.
26. Kanca dadi mungsuh --- my friend into foe.
27. Akeh manungsa asale lali --- Many people forget the origins.
28. Ratu ora Ukuman fair --- King unfair Punishment
29. Akeh rank odd lan sing evil evil --- Many officials and odd
30. Akeh s bizarre behavior-disposition --- Many odd tantrum
31. Wong slick-slick padha kapencil --- People who are either just left out.
32. Akeh wong welcome gawe slick-slick padha krasa isin --- Many people actually feel embarrassed lawful employment.
33. The main Luwih ngapusi --- More prioritize deceptive.
34. Wegah welcome gawe --- Lazy to work.
35. Urip want luxury --- wanted to live in luxury.
36. Ngumbar passions rage, lust nggedhekake duraka --- Removing the insolence, fostered lawlessness.
37. Wong bener-thenger thenger --- People (who) really confused.
38. Wong --- Bungah one person (a) one jolly happy.
39. Wong --- neat hue rebuffed-person (a) either rejected rebuffed (pinged-pong).
40. Wong --- Those evil munggah rank (the) evil promoted.
41. Wong --- The great kasinggung (a) noble abused
42. Wong --- People kapuja style (that) evil praised.
43. Wong --- wadon ilang kawirangane missing women ashamed.
44. Wong lanang ilang kaprawirane --- Male missing officer / virility
45. Akeh wong ora lanang duwe Bojo --- Many men do not want a wife.
46. Akeh wong ora wadon Setya Marang bojone --- Many women reneges on her husband.
47. Akeh mother padha ngedol anake --- Many mothers sell children.
48. Akeh wong wadon ngedol awake --- Many women sell themselves.
49. Akeh wong ijol bebojo --- Many people exchange wives / husbands.
50. Wong --- Women wadon horse ride on horseback.
51. Wong lanang Linggih plangki --- Male up litter.
52. Randha seuang loro --- Two widows seuang prices (red.: seuang = 8.5 cents).
53. Seaga Prawan --- Five five five picis virgin.
54. Behavior of the nine money Dhudha lame lame --- Duda sold nine of money.
55. Akeh wong ngedol ngelmu --- Many people trade knowledge.
56. Akeh wong admit-I --- Many people claim to be.
57. White Njabane njerone dhadhu --- Outside the white in the orange.
58. Ngakune holy, nanging sucine --- Claiming false saint, but a mere fake.
59. Akeh cajoled akeh lojo --- Many many deceptions deceptive.
60. Akeh Udan one prey --- Lots of rain one season.
61. Akeh prawan tuwa --- Many an old maid.
62. Akeh randha nglairake children --- Many widows have the baby.
63. Akeh baby born nggoleki bapakne --- Many children born to find his father.
64. Religion akeh sing challenging --- Religious widely repudiated.
65. I Prikamanungsan ilang --- Humanity getting lost.
66. Omah holy shrine despised --- shunned.
67. Omah ala I adored --- House immoral increasingly revered.
68. Wong wadon meretricious ngendi-Endi --- ing whore women everywhere.
69. --- Many Akeh anathema curse
70. Akeh pengkianat --- Many traitors.
71. Children --- Kids eat manganese father of the father.
72. Sedulur manganese sedulur brother --- you eat.
73. Kanca dadi mungsuh --- my friend into foe.
74. --- Master Teacher disatru enemy.
75. Appliances padha --- Neighbors suspicious of each other suspiciously.
76. Kana-kene my insolence --- Fury became increasingly angry.
77. Sing weruh kebubuhan --- Anyone know affected by the load.
78. Sing ora weruh ketutuh who do not know --- Moderate blame.
79. Ana yen battle tomorrow --- Later in the event of war.
80. Teka saka wetan, west, south lan lor --- Coming from the east, west, south and north.
81. Akeh wong Becik my passion --- A lot of good people more miserable.
82. Wong --- Moderate seneng my evil evil happier.
83. Iku Wektu akeh dhandhang diunekake egrets --- When it's arguably the crow heron.
84. Wong was one shall prevail --- The one deemed correct.
85. Traitor Traitor --- delicious delights.
86. My wicked wicked --- perfect more perfect.
87. Wong --- wicked wicked munggah rank advancement.
88. Wong --- kebelenggu naive innocent man shackled.
89. Wong --- mulya dikunjara noble man who imprisoned.
90. --- That 's cheating cheating ferocious power.
91. Sing honest kojur --- The honest passion.
92. Traders Traders --- keplarang akeh sing many drowned.
93. Wong --- ndadi play akeh sing Gambler many rampant.
94. Akeh illicit goods --- Many illicit goods.
95. --- Many Akeh illegitimate child illegitimate child.
96. Wong wong wadon nglamar lanang --- Women applying for males.
97. Wong lanang ngasorake drajate dhewe --- Male disparage the degree itself.
98. Akeh mlebu leisure goods --- Many items wasted.
99. Akeh wong kaliren lan wuda --- Many people are hungry and naked.
100. Wong tuku ngglenik lunkhead s --- Buyer to persuade the seller.
satria Piningit
Ronggowarsito Indonesia is a very famous spiritualist because many predictions that have been proven. Presented seven satrio Piningit who will emerge as the man who later would rule or lead an area of the "former" kingdom of Majapahit (Indonesian state), namely: Satrio Kinunjoro Murwo Kuncoro, Satrio stumble Kesampar Mukti Wibowo, Satrio Jinumput Sumelo Set, Satrio Lelono Topo Ngrame, Satrio Piningit Hamong Tuwuh, Satrio Boyong Pambukaning Gapuro, Satrio Pinandito Sinisihan Wahyu.Berkenaan with it, many people who then try to interpret the seven Satrio Piningit it is as follows:
Satrio KINUNJORO MURWO KUNCORO. Leader figure who is familiar with the prison (Kinunjoro), which will free this nation from the shackles of imprisonment and would later become the leader of a very famous figure in all universe (Murwo Kuncoro). This figure is interpreted as Sukarno, proclaimed the First President of the Republic of Indonesia and is also Leader of the Revolution and leader of the Old Order regime. To power in 1945-1967.
Satrio MUKTI WIBOWO KESAMPAR stumble. Prominent leader of the world berharta (Mukti) is also an authoritative / feared (Wibowo), but will experience a situation is always to blame, all-round bad and also always been associated with all the bad / wrong (stump Kesampar). This figure is interpreted as Soeharto, President of The Republic of Indonesia and leader of the dreaded New Order Regime. To power in 1967-1998.
Satrio JINUMPUT Sumela ARRANGE. Figure who was appointed leader / terpungut (Jinumput) but only during a pause or transition or simply intersperse only (Sumela Set). This figure is interpreted as BJ Habibie, President of the Third Republic of Indonesia. To power in 1998-1999.
Satrio Lelono NGRAME TAPA. Leading personalities who like to wander / travel the world (Lelono) but he is also someone who has a sufficient level of psychiatric Religious / clergy (Tapa Ngrame). This figure is interpreted as KH. Abdurrahman Wahid, President of the Fourth Republic of Indonesia. In power in 1999-2000.
Satrio Piningit HAMONG Tuwuh. Figures emerging leader brings charisma descendants of ancestors (Hamong Tuwuh). This figure is interpreted as Megawati Sukarnoputri, President of the Fifth Republic of Indonesia. To power in 2000-2004.
Satrio Boyong PAMBUKANING GAPURO. Prominent leader of a migrating (Boyong / from the minister to president) and will be the foundation stone of a gate opener towards achieving the golden age (Pambukaning Gapuro). Many people who believe interpretation of the character in question is Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. He will survive to lead this nation well when willing and able to synergize with the power of the Satria Piningit or at least with a true spiritual warrior Piningit who think only of benefit for all the people of Indonesia so that the gate of the lighthouse of the world will begin to unfold. Relying on the bureaucrats and technocrats alone will not be able to run the administration well. The threat of natural disaster, disintegration and anarchism as the tempest that continues to spay measures taken.
Satrio PINANDITO SINISIHAN REVELATION. Figures are extremely religious leaders to the extent depicted as a sage Begawan (Pinandito) and will always act on the basis of the law / guidance of Allah (Sinisihan Revelation). By always rely only on Allah, God willing, this nation will achieve a true golden age.
Ronggowarsito Indonesia is a very famous spiritualist because many predictions that have been proven. Presented seven satrio Piningit who will emerge as the man who later would rule or lead an area of the "former" kingdom of Majapahit (Indonesian state), namely: Satrio Kinunjoro Murwo Kuncoro, Satrio stumble Kesampar Mukti Wibowo, Satrio Jinumput Sumelo Set, Satrio Lelono Topo Ngrame, Satrio Piningit Hamong Tuwuh, Satrio Boyong Pambukaning Gapuro, Satrio Pinandito Sinisihan Wahyu.Berkenaan with it, many people who then try to interpret the seven Satrio Piningit it is as follows:
Satrio KINUNJORO MURWO KUNCORO. Leader figure who is familiar with the prison (Kinunjoro), which will free this nation from the shackles of imprisonment and would later become the leader of a very famous figure in all universe (Murwo Kuncoro). This figure is interpreted as Sukarno, proclaimed the First President of the Republic of Indonesia and is also Leader of the Revolution and leader of the Old Order regime. To power in 1945-1967.
Satrio MUKTI WIBOWO KESAMPAR stumble. Prominent leader of the world berharta (Mukti) is also an authoritative / feared (Wibowo), but will experience a situation is always to blame, all-round bad and also always been associated with all the bad / wrong (stump Kesampar). This figure is interpreted as Soeharto, President of The Republic of Indonesia and leader of the dreaded New Order Regime. To power in 1967-1998.
Satrio JINUMPUT Sumela ARRANGE. Figure who was appointed leader / terpungut (Jinumput) but only during a pause or transition or simply intersperse only (Sumela Set). This figure is interpreted as BJ Habibie, President of the Third Republic of Indonesia. To power in 1998-1999.
Satrio Lelono NGRAME TAPA. Leading personalities who like to wander / travel the world (Lelono) but he is also someone who has a sufficient level of psychiatric Religious / clergy (Tapa Ngrame). This figure is interpreted as KH. Abdurrahman Wahid, President of the Fourth Republic of Indonesia. In power in 1999-2000.
Satrio Piningit HAMONG Tuwuh. Figures emerging leader brings charisma descendants of ancestors (Hamong Tuwuh). This figure is interpreted as Megawati Sukarnoputri, President of the Fifth Republic of Indonesia. To power in 2000-2004.
Satrio Boyong PAMBUKANING GAPURO. Prominent leader of a migrating (Boyong / from the minister to president) and will be the foundation stone of a gate opener towards achieving the golden age (Pambukaning Gapuro). Many people who believe interpretation of the character in question is Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. He will survive to lead this nation well when willing and able to synergize with the power of the Satria Piningit or at least with a true spiritual warrior Piningit who think only of benefit for all the people of Indonesia so that the gate of the lighthouse of the world will begin to unfold. Relying on the bureaucrats and technocrats alone will not be able to run the administration well. The threat of natural disaster, disintegration and anarchism as the tempest that continues to spay measures taken.
Satrio PINANDITO SINISIHAN REVELATION. Figures are extremely religious leaders to the extent depicted as a sage Begawan (Pinandito) and will always act on the basis of the law / guidance of Allah (Sinisihan Revelation). By always rely only on Allah, God willing, this nation will achieve a true golden age.
Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011
Mantan Komandan militer Serbia Bosnia Ratko Mladic menolak hadir di pengadilan kejahatan perang PBB untuk mengaku atas dakwaan melakukan kejahatan perang selama perang Bosnia 1992-1996, termasuk melakukan aksi genosida.
"Mladic mengatakan kepada pihak berwenang penjara bahwa dia tidak ingin muncul di ruang sidang (Senin 4/7)) dan tidak akan mengabulkan permohonan," kata pengacara Mladic, Milos Saljic mengatakan kepada AFP melalui telepon.
"Dia memutuskan untuk tidak muncul kembali pada saat tim pembelanya belum disetujui," kata Saljic.
Mladic 69 tahun ditangkap pada 26 Mei setelah selama 16 tahun buron dan hadir pada pengadilan pertamanya di Den Haag pada tanggal 3 Juni lalu.
Pengadilan Pidana Internasional (ICC) mendakwa Mladic karena melakukan kejahatan perang yang merenggut 100.000 jiwa dalam pembersihan etnis muslim di Srebrenica dan dalam pengepungan kembali Sarajevo pada awal 90-an.
Dakwaan terhadap mantan jenderal Serbia berisi 37 halaman dari seluruh tuduhan terhadap dirinya.
Menurut dakwaan itu, Mladic dikaitkan dengan genosida terbesar di Eropa setelah Perang Dunia II, membunuh pria dewasa dan anak laki-laki, dan memaksa memisahkan perempuan, anak-anak dan orang tua dari keluarga mereka. Dia juga berpartisipasi dalam berbagai tindak pidana.
"Mladic mengatakan kepada pihak berwenang penjara bahwa dia tidak ingin muncul di ruang sidang (Senin 4/7)) dan tidak akan mengabulkan permohonan," kata pengacara Mladic, Milos Saljic mengatakan kepada AFP melalui telepon.
"Dia memutuskan untuk tidak muncul kembali pada saat tim pembelanya belum disetujui," kata Saljic.
Mladic 69 tahun ditangkap pada 26 Mei setelah selama 16 tahun buron dan hadir pada pengadilan pertamanya di Den Haag pada tanggal 3 Juni lalu.
Pengadilan Pidana Internasional (ICC) mendakwa Mladic karena melakukan kejahatan perang yang merenggut 100.000 jiwa dalam pembersihan etnis muslim di Srebrenica dan dalam pengepungan kembali Sarajevo pada awal 90-an.
Dakwaan terhadap mantan jenderal Serbia berisi 37 halaman dari seluruh tuduhan terhadap dirinya.
Menurut dakwaan itu, Mladic dikaitkan dengan genosida terbesar di Eropa setelah Perang Dunia II, membunuh pria dewasa dan anak laki-laki, dan memaksa memisahkan perempuan, anak-anak dan orang tua dari keluarga mereka. Dia juga berpartisipasi dalam berbagai tindak pidana.
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Perubahan tertunda ditampilkan di halaman iniBelum Diperiksa
Macbeth adalah sandiwara tragedi karya William Shakespeare yang ditulis sekitar tahun 1606. Drama ini adalah salah satu tragedi Shakespeare yang terkenal dan juga yang paling pendek. Terjemahan buku ke dalam bahasa Indonesianya dengan judul yang sama dilakukan oleh Trisno Sumardjo.[1]
Tragedi ini menceritakan tentang ambisi yang berubah menjadi kejahatan, seorang jenderal yang mengkhianati rajanya, sahabatnya, bahkan jiwanya sendiri. "Fair is foul, and foul is fair" adalah inti dari Macbeth yang mengisahkan pahlawan-panglima Macbeth dan istrinya yang berambisi menjadi raja dan ratu Skotlandia. Mereka mengira bahwa satu-satunya jalan menuju tahta raja adalah melalui pedang. Tetapi niat jahat memiliki rencana sendiri untuk menampakkan jati dirinya.
Daftar isi
1 Kisah Macbeth
1.1 Tokoh utama
1.2 Waktu dan tempat
1.3 Sinopsis
2 Versi Film
3 Referensi
] Kisah Macbeth
] Tokoh utama
Macbeth, jenderal dan Thane (semacam gubernur) Glamis
Nyonya Macbeth, istri Macbeth
Duncan, Raja Skotlandia
Banquo, seorang jenderal
Macduff,putra raja duncan
Tiga Nenek Sihir
[sunting] Waktu dan tempat
Abad ke-11 di Skotlandia.
[sunting] Sinopsis
"Macbeth", oleh John Martin
Macbeth adalah seorang jendral di bawah pemerintahan raja Skotlandia Duncan I. Pada suatu hari ia dan temannya Banquo bertemu dengan tiga tukang sihir yang meramalkan bahwa Macbeth bakal menjadi raja suatu hari, dan Banquo walaupun tidak akan menjadi raja tapi akan memperanakkan raja-raja.
Ketika Macbeth pulang dan memberitakan hal ini kepada istrinya Lady Macbeth, ia segera menyusun rencana untuk membunuh Duncan yang akan berkunjung dan menginap di rumah mereka. Setelah menjadi raja, Macbeth juga takut bahwa Banquo akan membocorkan rahasia tentang ketiga tukang sihir, dan memerintahkan ia dibunuh juga.
Sementara itu seorang jendral lain yang bernama Macduff menjadi curiga akan tingkah laku Macbeth yang menampakkan gejala-gejala ketakutan dan rasa bersalah. Ia kemudian bergabung dengan Malcolm dan Donalbain, kedua anak Duncan yang juga merasa curiga.
Perasaan takut Macbeth mendorongnya untuk mencari tukang-tukang sihir itu lagi, dan kali ini mereka meramalkan bahwa Macbeth akan tetap hidup "sampai hutan Great Birnam datang ke bukit Dunsinane". Selain itu, juga bahwa Macbeth tidak akan dibunuh oleh seorang yang dilahirkan dari seorang wanita. Berpikir bahwa ini hal yang mustahil, Macbeth menjadi sombong dan puas akan jawaban ini. Tapi Lady Macbeth akhirnya tidak kuat lagi dan menjadi gila. Terutama ia merasa bahwa ada noda darah di tangannya yang tidak mau hilang walaupun dicuci berkali-kali.
Malcolm dan Macduff pergi ke Inggris dan merencanakan kudeta untuk membunuh Macbeth. Mereka akhirnya menyerang puri Macbeth dengan sekelompok prajurit, sambil membawa pucuk-pucuk pohon dari hutan Great Birnam sebagai samaran (hutan Birnam datang ke bukit Dunsinane). Macduff berhasil memaksa Macbeth untuk berduel dengannya. Macbeth masih merasa sombong karena berdasarkan ramalan tukang-tukang sihir, ia tidak akan pernah dibunuh oleh "seseorang yang dilahirkan dari seorang wanita". Tetapi Macduff menjawab bahwa ia "diambil dari rahim ibunya" (dengan operasi caesar). Akhirnya Macduff berhasil memotong kepala Macbeth dan menyerahkan tahta kerajaan kepada Malcolm.
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Perubahan tertunda ditampilkan di halaman iniBelum Diperiksa
Macbeth adalah sandiwara tragedi karya William Shakespeare yang ditulis sekitar tahun 1606. Drama ini adalah salah satu tragedi Shakespeare yang terkenal dan juga yang paling pendek. Terjemahan buku ke dalam bahasa Indonesianya dengan judul yang sama dilakukan oleh Trisno Sumardjo.[1]
Tragedi ini menceritakan tentang ambisi yang berubah menjadi kejahatan, seorang jenderal yang mengkhianati rajanya, sahabatnya, bahkan jiwanya sendiri. "Fair is foul, and foul is fair" adalah inti dari Macbeth yang mengisahkan pahlawan-panglima Macbeth dan istrinya yang berambisi menjadi raja dan ratu Skotlandia. Mereka mengira bahwa satu-satunya jalan menuju tahta raja adalah melalui pedang. Tetapi niat jahat memiliki rencana sendiri untuk menampakkan jati dirinya.
Daftar isi
1 Kisah Macbeth
1.1 Tokoh utama
1.2 Waktu dan tempat
1.3 Sinopsis
2 Versi Film
3 Referensi
] Kisah Macbeth
] Tokoh utama
Macbeth, jenderal dan Thane (semacam gubernur) Glamis
Nyonya Macbeth, istri Macbeth
Duncan, Raja Skotlandia
Banquo, seorang jenderal
Macduff,putra raja duncan
Tiga Nenek Sihir
[sunting] Waktu dan tempat
Abad ke-11 di Skotlandia.
[sunting] Sinopsis
"Macbeth", oleh John Martin
Macbeth adalah seorang jendral di bawah pemerintahan raja Skotlandia Duncan I. Pada suatu hari ia dan temannya Banquo bertemu dengan tiga tukang sihir yang meramalkan bahwa Macbeth bakal menjadi raja suatu hari, dan Banquo walaupun tidak akan menjadi raja tapi akan memperanakkan raja-raja.
Ketika Macbeth pulang dan memberitakan hal ini kepada istrinya Lady Macbeth, ia segera menyusun rencana untuk membunuh Duncan yang akan berkunjung dan menginap di rumah mereka. Setelah menjadi raja, Macbeth juga takut bahwa Banquo akan membocorkan rahasia tentang ketiga tukang sihir, dan memerintahkan ia dibunuh juga.
Sementara itu seorang jendral lain yang bernama Macduff menjadi curiga akan tingkah laku Macbeth yang menampakkan gejala-gejala ketakutan dan rasa bersalah. Ia kemudian bergabung dengan Malcolm dan Donalbain, kedua anak Duncan yang juga merasa curiga.
Perasaan takut Macbeth mendorongnya untuk mencari tukang-tukang sihir itu lagi, dan kali ini mereka meramalkan bahwa Macbeth akan tetap hidup "sampai hutan Great Birnam datang ke bukit Dunsinane". Selain itu, juga bahwa Macbeth tidak akan dibunuh oleh seorang yang dilahirkan dari seorang wanita. Berpikir bahwa ini hal yang mustahil, Macbeth menjadi sombong dan puas akan jawaban ini. Tapi Lady Macbeth akhirnya tidak kuat lagi dan menjadi gila. Terutama ia merasa bahwa ada noda darah di tangannya yang tidak mau hilang walaupun dicuci berkali-kali.
Malcolm dan Macduff pergi ke Inggris dan merencanakan kudeta untuk membunuh Macbeth. Mereka akhirnya menyerang puri Macbeth dengan sekelompok prajurit, sambil membawa pucuk-pucuk pohon dari hutan Great Birnam sebagai samaran (hutan Birnam datang ke bukit Dunsinane). Macduff berhasil memaksa Macbeth untuk berduel dengannya. Macbeth masih merasa sombong karena berdasarkan ramalan tukang-tukang sihir, ia tidak akan pernah dibunuh oleh "seseorang yang dilahirkan dari seorang wanita". Tetapi Macduff menjawab bahwa ia "diambil dari rahim ibunya" (dengan operasi caesar). Akhirnya Macduff berhasil memotong kepala Macbeth dan menyerahkan tahta kerajaan kepada Malcolm.
Jumat, 22 Juli 2011
someone who has been there at my mind and my thoughts that can make me happy and happy is my best friend who I've always loved and I can not change my feelings for this to him
and I hope he understands my feelings during this
and hope that love me
about my feelings since junior high school
looks pretty smart Cleaner beautiful view of both pious ga mama's boy never leave the house like reading I like to grumble same
I ma a concern that is often grumble for prayers
to me
good deh
very beautiful for me
maybe you are 1 in 10 women I have ever come across very differently km
I can dial miles PRETTY WOMAN
I've told my mama and my mama know if I try to close your ma
ye ye ye cool my heart and star in my heart
I will always love and love to you and hope you come for me even though we do not have friends but my love in it because of love revealed in view of the action
Divert your face My world
because you only one for me with you I'm happy with you I'm happy would you turn to me because of you
and I hope he understands my feelings during this
and hope that love me
about my feelings since junior high school
looks pretty smart Cleaner beautiful view of both pious ga mama's boy never leave the house like reading I like to grumble same
I ma a concern that is often grumble for prayers
to me
good deh
very beautiful for me
maybe you are 1 in 10 women I have ever come across very differently km
I can dial miles PRETTY WOMAN
I've told my mama and my mama know if I try to close your ma
ye ye ye cool my heart and star in my heart
I will always love and love to you and hope you come for me even though we do not have friends but my love in it because of love revealed in view of the action
Divert your face My world
because you only one for me with you I'm happy with you I'm happy would you turn to me because of you
THE QUARTER-FINALS (13 & 27 September 2011)
QF 1: Persipura Jayapura (Indonesia) vs Arbil (Iraq)
QF 2: Chonburi FC (Thailand) vs Nasaf (Uzbekistan)
QF 3: Kuwait SC (Kuwait) vs Muong Thong United (Thailand)
QF 4: Al Wehdat (Jordan) vs Duhok (Iraq)
SEMI-FINALS (4 & 18 Oktober 2011)
SF 1: Winner of QF2 and Winner of QF4
SF 2: Winner of QF1 and Winner of QF3
FINAL (29 Oktober 2011)
Winner of SF 1 vs Winner of SF 2
Jumat, 01 Juli 2011
liburan di jogja hari ini tanggal 01-07-11 ke pantai yang bagus,dan enak di pandang,pemandangan indah dengan pasir pantai yg putih dan bersih,dan hawa pantai yang menyejukakan di hirup dan di pandang..
pantai krakal dan pantai kukup sangat keren,sayang pantai ini kurang baik untuk olhraga surfing karena dasar laut yang berkarang besar dan tajam ,so i hope every body mustto go to baron beach yang berada di kawasan jogja,kabupaten wonosari,berjarak 70 km dari kota jogja,dan menempuh waktu 1 jam
pantai krakal dan pantai kukup sangat keren,sayang pantai ini kurang baik untuk olhraga surfing karena dasar laut yang berkarang besar dan tajam ,so i hope every body mustto go to baron beach yang berada di kawasan jogja,kabupaten wonosari,berjarak 70 km dari kota jogja,dan menempuh waktu 1 jam
Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011
History of the CIA
The United States has carried out intelligence activities since the days of George Washington, but only since World War II have they been coordinated on a government-wide basis. President William J. DonovanFranklin D. Roosevelt appointed New York lawyer and war hero, William J. Donovan, to become first the Coordinator of Information, and then, after the US entered World War II, head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in 1942. The OSS – the forerunner to the CIA – had a mandate to collect and analyze strategic information. After World War II, however, the OSS was abolished along with many other war agencies and its functions were transferred to the State and War Departments.
It did not take long before President Truman recognized the need for a postwar, centralized intelligence organization. To make a fully functional intelligence office, Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947 establishing the CIA. The National Security Act charged the CIA with coordinating the nation’s intelligence activities and correlating, evaluating and disseminating intelligence affecting national security.
On December 17, 2004, President George W. Bush signed the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act which restructured the Intelligence Community by abolishing the position of Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) and Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (DDCI) and creating the position the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (D/CIA). The Act also created the position of Director of National Intelligence (DNI), which oversees the Intelligence Community and the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC).
The United States has carried out intelligence activities since the days of George Washington, but only since World War II have they been coordinated on a government-wide basis. President William J. DonovanFranklin D. Roosevelt appointed New York lawyer and war hero, William J. Donovan, to become first the Coordinator of Information, and then, after the US entered World War II, head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in 1942. The OSS – the forerunner to the CIA – had a mandate to collect and analyze strategic information. After World War II, however, the OSS was abolished along with many other war agencies and its functions were transferred to the State and War Departments.
It did not take long before President Truman recognized the need for a postwar, centralized intelligence organization. To make a fully functional intelligence office, Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947 establishing the CIA. The National Security Act charged the CIA with coordinating the nation’s intelligence activities and correlating, evaluating and disseminating intelligence affecting national security.
On December 17, 2004, President George W. Bush signed the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act which restructured the Intelligence Community by abolishing the position of Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) and Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (DDCI) and creating the position the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (D/CIA). The Act also created the position of Director of National Intelligence (DNI), which oversees the Intelligence Community and the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC).
1.SSC Ultimate Aero
257 mph (411 Km), 0-60 dalam 2.7 detik.
Twin-Turbo V8 dengan 1183 Hp.
Buatan USA, Shelby Super Cars.
Harga jual $654,000
2.Bugatti Veyron
253 mph (404 Km), 0-60 dalam 2.5 detik.
Aluminum, Mesin W16 dengan 1001 hp.
Buatan Perancis. Group VW.
Harga jual $1,444,000
3.Koenigsegg CCX
250 mph+ (400 Km), 0-60 dalam 3.2 detik.
Mesin 90 Degree V8 806 hp.
Buatan Swedia.
harga jual $695,000
4.Saleen S7 Twin-Turbo
248 mph+(396 Km), 0-60 dalam 3.2 detik.
Mesin Twin Turbo Aluminum V8 dengan 750 hp.
Buatan USA.
harga jual $555,000
5.McLaren F1
240 mph+ (384 Km), 0-60 dalam 3.2 detik.
Mesin BMW S70/2 60 Degree V12 dengan 627 hp.
Buatan Jerman dan Inggris
harga jual $970,000
6.Ferrari Enzo
217 mph+ (347 Km), 0-60 dalam 3.4 detik.
Mesin F140 Aluminum V12 dengan 660 hp,
buatan Italy
harga jual $670,000
7.Jaguar XJ220
217 mph+ (347.2 Km), 0-60 dalam 4.0 detik.
Mesin Twin Turbo V6 dengan 542 hp,
buatan Inggris, tahun 1992,
harga jual $345,000
8.Pagani Zonda F
215 mph+ (344 Km), 0-60 dalam 3.5 detik.
Mesin Mercedes Benz M180 V12 dengan 650 hp,
buatan Italy,
harga jual $741,000
9.Lamborghini Murcielago LP640
213 mph+ (340.8 km), 0-60 dalam 3.3 detik.
Mesin V12 dengan 640 hp, buatan Italy,
harga jual $430,000
10. Porsche Carrera GT
209 mph+ (334.4 Km), 0-60 dalam 3.9 detik.
Aluminum, 68 Degree, Mesin V10 dengan 612 hp,
buatan Jerman,
harga jual $440,000
257 mph (411 Km), 0-60 dalam 2.7 detik.
Twin-Turbo V8 dengan 1183 Hp.
Buatan USA, Shelby Super Cars.
Harga jual $654,000
2.Bugatti Veyron
253 mph (404 Km), 0-60 dalam 2.5 detik.
Aluminum, Mesin W16 dengan 1001 hp.
Buatan Perancis. Group VW.
Harga jual $1,444,000
3.Koenigsegg CCX
250 mph+ (400 Km), 0-60 dalam 3.2 detik.
Mesin 90 Degree V8 806 hp.
Buatan Swedia.
harga jual $695,000
4.Saleen S7 Twin-Turbo
248 mph+(396 Km), 0-60 dalam 3.2 detik.
Mesin Twin Turbo Aluminum V8 dengan 750 hp.
Buatan USA.
harga jual $555,000
5.McLaren F1
240 mph+ (384 Km), 0-60 dalam 3.2 detik.
Mesin BMW S70/2 60 Degree V12 dengan 627 hp.
Buatan Jerman dan Inggris
harga jual $970,000
6.Ferrari Enzo
217 mph+ (347 Km), 0-60 dalam 3.4 detik.
Mesin F140 Aluminum V12 dengan 660 hp,
buatan Italy
harga jual $670,000
7.Jaguar XJ220
217 mph+ (347.2 Km), 0-60 dalam 4.0 detik.
Mesin Twin Turbo V6 dengan 542 hp,
buatan Inggris, tahun 1992,
harga jual $345,000
8.Pagani Zonda F
215 mph+ (344 Km), 0-60 dalam 3.5 detik.
Mesin Mercedes Benz M180 V12 dengan 650 hp,
buatan Italy,
harga jual $741,000
9.Lamborghini Murcielago LP640
213 mph+ (340.8 km), 0-60 dalam 3.3 detik.
Mesin V12 dengan 640 hp, buatan Italy,
harga jual $430,000
10. Porsche Carrera GT
209 mph+ (334.4 Km), 0-60 dalam 3.9 detik.
Aluminum, 68 Degree, Mesin V10 dengan 612 hp,
buatan Jerman,
harga jual $440,000
Minggu, 22 Mei 2011
Teheran (ANTARA News) - Kementerian Intelijen Iran Sabtu mengumumkan telah mengidentifikasi dan membongkar satu jaringan spionase besar yang berkaitan dengan Badan Intelijen Pusat Amerika Serikat (CIA), dan menambahkan bahwa 30 orang telah ditahan selama operasi itu.
Tiga puluh orang yang diduga mata-mata Amerika Serikat telah ditangkap dan 42 CIA agen operational terkait jaringan telah diidentifikasi, kata kementerian tersebut dalam sebuah pernyataan yang disiarkan pada Sabtu.
Kantor Departemen Humas menambahkan dalam pernyataan itu, bahwa jaringan mata-mata AS yang terkait itu beroperasi di balik kedok pusat pencarian pekerjaan untuk menarik warga Iran untuk bekerja sama dengan mereka, dengan menjanjikan mereka pekerjaan dan kesempatan pendidikan, dan menipu mereka dengan visa dan izin masuk ke Amerika Serikat.
Jaringan ini "didirikan oleh sejumlah agen CIA terkemuka" di beberapa negara, dan karena pekerjaan kontra-intelijen dan intelijen besar, agen-agen intelijen Iran berhasil menemukan dan benar-benar membongkar jaringan, kata pernyataan itu.
"jaringan yang digunakan berbagai basis data dan kedutaan besar AS serta konsulat dan di beberapa negara, khususnya di Uni Emirat Arab (UEA), Malaysia dan Turki, untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang ilmiah penelitian Iran, dan lembaga pendidikan di bidang energi nuklir, udara dan pertahanan industri serta bioteknologi," kata Menteri Intelijen Iran.
Pernyataan itu lebih lanjut menunjukkan bahwa jaringan AS juga memata-matai minyak Iran dan pipa gas, listrik dan telekomunikasi, bandara, departemen bea cukai, jaringan keamanan dan perbankan untuk operasi sabotase di masa depan.
Rabu, 18 Mei 2011
Schedule AFC Cup last 16 match in 2011. AFC Cup group stage has expired since the date of May 11, 2011 that then, as many as 16 clubs who have confirmed themselves to qualify for the 16 of each group terdari two clubs is the group winner and runner-up group, for the winners of each the group reserves the right to host the match in 16 games last, and the data following 16 clubs who have confirmed themselves to qualify for the last 16 from each group were as follows and equipment 16 of the AFC Cup 2011:
1. Group A: Nasaf (UZB) and Dempo Sc (ENG)
2. Group B: Al Qadsia (Kuw) and Shurtan (UZB)
3. Group C: Duhok (IRQ) and Al Faisaly (Jor)
4. Group D: Wehdat Al (Jor) and Kuwait SC (Kuw)
5. Group E: Al Arbil (IRQ) and FC Ahed (LIB)
6. Group F: Song Lam Nghe An (VIE) and Srivijaya (INA)
7. Group G: Muang Thong States (THA) and Tampines Rovers FC (SIN)
8. Group H: Chonburi FC (THA) and Persi
1. Group A: Nasaf (UZB) and Dempo Sc (ENG)
2. Group B: Al Qadsia (Kuw) and Shurtan (UZB)
3. Group C: Duhok (IRQ) and Al Faisaly (Jor)
4. Group D: Wehdat Al (Jor) and Kuwait SC (Kuw)
5. Group E: Al Arbil (IRQ) and FC Ahed (LIB)
6. Group F: Song Lam Nghe An (VIE) and Srivijaya (INA)
7. Group G: Muang Thong States (THA) and Tampines Rovers FC (SIN)
8. Group H: Chonburi FC (THA) and Persi
Rabu, 13 April 2011
Persipura berhasil menang telak 3-0 atas tamunya Chonburi FC. Persipura menjamu wakil Thailand, Chonburi, dalam pertandingan Grup H Piala AFC di Stadion Mandala, Jayapura, Rabu (13/4/2011).
Yustinus Pae membuka kemenangan Persipura pada menit kesembilan dan dilanjutkan oleh Titus Bonay yang menggandakan keunggulan dua menit sebelu babak pertama berakhir. Lukas Mandowen berhasil menambah keunggulan sekaligus menutup kemenangan Persipura pada menit ke-83.
Persipura berhasil menambah keunggulan pada menit ke-83. Lukas Mandowen berhasil mengoyak gawang Chonburi untuk membawa Persipura unggul 3-0.
Di babak pertama Persipura sudah unggul 2-0 dari tamunya Chonburi FC. Gol Persipura dicetak Yustinus Pae pada menit kesembilan dan Titus Bonay pada menit ke-43. Pertandingan babak kedua dimulai.
Persipura berhasil menggandakan kedudukan dua menit sebelum turun minum melalui gol yang dicetak Titus Bonay. Berawal dari sepak pojok yang dilakukan Persipura, bola berhasil dihalau pemain bertahan Chonburi. Namun, bola bergerak liar dan langsung dimaksimalkan oleh Tibo untuk menambah keunggulan Persipura.
Daftar beberapa calon pemain naturalisasi indonesia
Bobby Petta = adelaide united (australia)
resodihardjo = adoo den hag
Charles Dissels = sparta rotterdam
Delano Hill = willem II tilburg
Demy de Zeeuw = az alkmaar
Denny Landzaat = wigan athletic fc (inggris)
Jason Oost = vvv venlo
Jeffrey Altheer = excelsior rotterdam
Jeffrey de Vischer = aberdeen fc (skotlandia)
Jeffrey Leiwakabessy = allemania aachen (jerman)
Jhon van Beukering = feyenord
Michael Mols = feyenoord rotterdam
Michael Timisela = vvv venlo
Quido Lanzaat = pfc cska sofia (bulgaria)
Sigourney Bandjar = excelsior rotterdam
Divisi I
Bryon Kiefer = bv veendam
David Ririhena = top oss
Dominggus Lim-Duan = fc eindhoven
Ferdinand Katipana = cambuur Leeuwarden
Joas Siahaija = mvv maastricht
Justin Tahapary = fc eindhoven
Levi Risamasu = agovv apeldoorn
Lucien Sahetapy = bv veendam
Milan Berck-Beelenkamp = hfc haarlem
Randy Thenu = fc den bosch
Regilio Jacobs = top oss
Robbert Maruanaya = GA eagles deventer
Sergio Kawarmala = helmond sport
sergio van dijk = fc emmen
Andy Tahitu = de graafschap
Christian Supusepa = ajax amsterdam
Tobias Waisapy = feyenoord rotterdam
Tom Hiariej = fc groningen
Stefano Lilipaly = fc utrecht
Django Ngutra = GA eagles deventer
Gino de Zeeuw = agovv apeldoorn
Yentl Heatubun = fortuna sittard
Jemayel Maruanaja = fortuna sittard
Njigel Latumaerissa = rkc waalwijk
Bryan Brard = vitesse arnhem
A (U-19)
Stefano Lilipaly = fc utrecht
Christian Supusepa = ajax amsterdam
Tim Hattu = vvv venlo
Jeffrey Hen = vvv venlo
Xander Houtkoop = sc Heerenveen
Edinho Pattinama = nac breda
Gaston Salasiwa = az alkmaar
Giovanni Kasanwirjo = ajax amsterdam
Raymond Soeroredjo = vitesse/agovv
Tobias Waisapy = feyenoord rotterdam
Jordao Pattinama = feyenoord rotterdam
Abel Tamata = psv eindhoven
Yael Heatubun = fortuna sittard
Django Ngutra = GA eagles deventer
Richie Pairun = cambuur Leeuwarden
Ruben Wuarbanaran = fc Den Bosch
Daniel Salakory = fc Den Bosch
Govanni Wilikin = top oss
B (U-17)
Anice Waisapy = vvv venlo
Cayfano Latupeirissa = nec nijmegen
Estefan Pattinasarany = az alkmaar
Joey Latumalea = fc groningen
Yoram Pesulima = vitesse/agovv
Marciano Leuwol = vitesse/agovv
Stevie Hattu = vvv venlo
Sonny Luhukay = vvv venlo
Masaro Latuheru = feyenoord rotterdam
Ferd Pasaribu = fortuna sittard
Jair Behoekoe Nam Radja = rkc waalwijk
Marinco Hiariej = bv veendam
Graham Bond = fc omniworld
C (U-15)
Brandon Leiwakabessy = nec nijmegen
Jordi Tatuarima = nec nijmegen
Levi Raja Boean = nec nijmegen
Rychto Lawalata = nec nijmegen
Benjamin Roemeon = vitesse/agovv
Delano Haulussy = GA eagles deventer
Ricarco Malaihollo = GA eagles deventer
Jordi Rakiman = cambuur leeuwarden
Kevin Pairun = cambuur leeuwarden
D – E
Silgio Thenu = feyenoord D1 (U-13)
Niaz de Coninck = feyenoord D1 BVO (U-13)
Tom Titarsolej = psv eindhoven D3 (U-11)
Jamarro Diks = vitesse/agovv D1 (U-13)
Kevin Diks (Bakarbessy) = vitesse/agovv D2 (U-12)
Jerah Hukom = Vitesse/agovv D2 (U-12)
Jamarro Diks = vitesse/agovv D1 (U-13)
Shayne Pattynama = ajax amsterdam E3 (U-10)
Nathan Haurissa = fc den bosch D2 (U-12)
Sereno Latuhihin = fc den bosch D3 (U-11)
berikut ini adalah yang menjadi pertimbangan anda di tahun 2006 lalu :
1. Donovan Partosoebroto. Pemain berusia 18 tahun ini kini membela
tim Ajax junior.
2. Lucien Sahetapy. Pemain dengan posisi bek tengah ini pada awalnya
bermain di klub Groningen pada tahun 1993. lalu pindah ke tim Divisi
1 Liga Belanda, BV Veendam.
3. Raphael Tuankotta. Pemain muda berusia 22 tahun ini kini
memperkuat BV Veendam Junior.
4. Estefan Pattinasarany. Pemain ini baru berusia 18 tahun dan kini
masih memperkuat AZ Alkmaar Junior.
5. Michael Timisela. Pemain ini merupakan pemaian muda berbakat yang
dimiliki tim Ajax Amsterdam. Di usianya yang memasuki 20 tahun,
pemain kelahiran Paramaribo, Suriname ini telah menembus masuk ke tim
utama Ajax.
6. Christian Supusepa. Pemain muda berusia 19 tahun ini, kini
memperkuat tim Ajax Junior.
7. Justin Tahapary. Pemain kelahiran 23 Mei 1985 ini sejak tahun 2004
telah memperkuat FC Eindhoven.
8. Marvin Wagimin. Pemain yang baru berusia 18 tahun ini masih
memperkuat tim VVV-Venlo di Divisi Satu Liga Belanda.
9. Peta Toisuta. Pemain berdarah Maluku ini kini memperkuat tim
Zwolle di liga Belanda.
10. Tobias Waisapy. Pemain berusia 18 tahun ini kini memperkuat tim
Feyenord Junior.
11. Jefrey Leiwakabessy. Bek kiri kelahiran Arnhem ini sejak tahun
1998 telah memperkuat NEC Nijmegen. Dan sempat mencicipi timnas
junior Belanda.
12. Raymon Soeroredjo. Pemain kelahiran Oss 18 tahun yang lalu ini
kini memperkuat tim Vitesse Junior.
13. Yoram Pesulima. Bek kiri kelahiran 9 Maret 1990 ini kini
memperkuat tim Vitesse Junior.
14. Raphael Supusepa. Gelandang kiri yang lahir di kota Wormerveer
ini kini memperkuat tim MVV Maastricht. Pemain jebolan Ajax ini
sebelum bermain di MVV sempat bermain di tim Excelsior dan Dordrecht.
15. Levi Risamasu. Pemain kelahiran Nieuwerkerk ini pernah memperkuat
NAC Breda selama 4 musim sebelum pindah ke tim AGOVV divisi satu Liga
16. Marciano Kastoredjo. Gelandang yang juga bisa berperan sebagai
bek kiri ini sebelum bergabung bersama tim De Graafschap pernah
bergabung bersama tim Utrecht Junior.
17. David Ririhena. Bek ataupun gelandang kiri mampu dijalani oleh
pemain yang kini memperkuat TOP Oss di divisi satu Liga Belanda.
18. Joas Siahaija. Gelandang tengah kelahiran Maastricht 22 tahun
yang lalu ini kini memperkuat kota kelahirannya, MVV.
21. Ignacio Tuhuteru. Pemain senior berusia 33 tahun ini kini
memperkuat Go Ahead Eagles. Sebelumnya pemain jebolan Ajax Junior ini
sempat malang melintang di beberapa klub seperti RBC Roosendaal,
Dalian Shide China, Sembawang Singapura, Zwolle, Heerenveen, dan FC
22. Ferdinand Katipana. Pemain kelahiran Amersfoort 26 tahun silam
ini sebelum bergabung bersama Haarlem, sempat bergabung di tim
Utrecht Junior dan Cambur Leeuwarden.
Nama lengkap | Syamsir Alam | |
Nama panggilan | Syamsir | |
Tanggal lahir | 6 Juli 1992 (umur 18) | |
Tempat lahir | Balingka, IV Koto, Agam, Indonesia | |
Tinggi | 1.75 m (5 ft 9 in) | |
Posisi bermain | Striker | |
Informasi klub | ||
Klub saat ini | SAD Uruguay | |
Nomor | 10 | |
Karier junior | ||
Pelita Jaya PSJS Jakarta Selatan | ||
Tim nasional | ||
2003 2004 2007 2007 2008 2009 | U-11 U-14 U-23 (magang) U-19 U-17 U-19 | 0? (?) 0? (?) 0? (?) 0? (?) 0? (?) 04 (4) |
Syamsir Alam (lahir di Balingka, IV Koto, Agam, 6 Juli 1992; umur 18 tahun) adalah seorang pemain sepak bola Indonesia. Saat ini ia bermain untuk SAD Indonesia. Tim yang saat ini berguru di Uruguay, Amerika Selatan. Syamsir adalah lulusan dari SSB AS IOP, SSB yang didirikan oleh mendiang Ronny Pattinasarani. Syamsir pernah mengikuti Piala Dunia U-11 Danone bersama Makassar FC yang mewakili Indonesia. Ia juga sempat mengikuti tes bersama tim junior dari Belanda, Vitesse Arnhem dan Heerenveen [1] tapi sayang gagal. Syamsir adalah type striker pekerja. di kompetisi Liga U-17 Quinta Division 2008 ia menjadi top skor dari tim SAD Indonesia dengan mengemas 15 gol dari 29 laga yang dilakoninya. Syamsir dikenal sangat dekat dengan pelatihnya Cesar Payovich. [2]
[sunting] Karier
- SSB Makassar FC/ Timnas U-11 (ajang Piala Dunia U-11/Danone Nations Cup di Paris, Perancis 2003)
- Timnas U-14 (Piala Asia U-14 2004)
- Pelita Jaya Jr
- Timnas U-23 2006 (magang) [3]
- Timnas U-19 (Pra Piala Asia U-19 2007 di Vietnam)
- PSJS Jr U-18
- Timnas U-17
- SAD Indonesia
- Timnas U-19 (Kualifikasi Piala Asia U-19 2009)
- Atletico Penarol
Ruben Wuarbanaran adalah pemain yang mengikuti seleksi timnas u-23, di mana pemain ini merupakan asal klub Belanda FC Den Bosch ini memiliki ayah Maluku dan ibu Belanda. Lahir pada 15 Agustus 1990, Ruben merupakan anak keempat dari delapan bersaudara. Sementara ibu Ruben bernama Greetje yang berasal dari Belanda.
Mengenai Profil Ruben Wuarbanaran dilahirkan dan tumbuh di Wijhe, sebuah desa kecil di provinsi Overijssel, Belanda. Saat ini Ruben memperkuat klub Liga Jupiter (Divisi Satu Liga Belanda) bersama FC Den Bosch. Meski lama menetap dan mengeluti karier sepak bola di Negeri Kincir Angin itu, pemuda kelahiran 15 Agustus 1990 itu tetap tidak akan lupa dengan negeri asal-usulnya. Karena itu, berkat kecintaanya kepada Indonesia, Ruben bela-belain datang ke tanah air hanya untuk memenuhi panggilan Badan Tim Nasional untuk menyaring pemain muda untuk seleksi tim SEA Games dan Pra-Olimpiade.
Pemain dari tim muda FC Den Bosch, klub yang berada di divisi terbaik kedua Belanda, itu merasa terkesan dengan seleksi yang dijalaninya kali ini dan tak sabar segera mengenakan kostum Merah Putih.
Mengenai Profil Ruben Wuarbanaran dilahirkan dan tumbuh di Wijhe, sebuah desa kecil di provinsi Overijssel, Belanda. Saat ini Ruben memperkuat klub Liga Jupiter (Divisi Satu Liga Belanda) bersama FC Den Bosch. Meski lama menetap dan mengeluti karier sepak bola di Negeri Kincir Angin itu, pemuda kelahiran 15 Agustus 1990 itu tetap tidak akan lupa dengan negeri asal-usulnya. Karena itu, berkat kecintaanya kepada Indonesia, Ruben bela-belain datang ke tanah air hanya untuk memenuhi panggilan Badan Tim Nasional untuk menyaring pemain muda untuk seleksi tim SEA Games dan Pra-Olimpiade.
Pemain dari tim muda FC Den Bosch, klub yang berada di divisi terbaik kedua Belanda, itu merasa terkesan dengan seleksi yang dijalaninya kali ini dan tak sabar segera mengenakan kostum Merah Putih.
Personal Information
Full name Kim Jeffrey Kurniawan
Date of birth March 23, 1990 (age 21)
Place of birth Mühlacker, Germany
Height 1.67 m (5 ft 6 in)
Position play midfielder
Club information
The club currently Persema Malang
Number 13
Junior career
FV 1996-2009 Knittlingen
Karlsruher SC
Career senior1
Year Club Apps (goals)
2010 - FC 07 Heidelsheim
Persema Malang
0 (0)
A club appearances and goals of senior
counted for the domestic league only.
Kim Jeffrey Kurniawan (born in Mühlacker, Germany, March 23, 1990, age 21 years) is Indonesian football player of German descent. Currently, he is strengthening Persema Malang in Indonesia Super League. Kim is one of the players in the naturalization by PSSI other than Christian Gonzalez. He has a line of Chinese-Indonesian descent from her father. His grandfather, Kwee Hong Sing recorded once defended Persija Jakarta and Indonesia national football team in the era of the 1950s. At that time, Indonesia has dealt with a coach from Yugoslavia, Antun Pogačnik. Under the care of Pogacnik, decent national team shine. Some things to note is the success of Indonesia won the bronze medal of Asian Games 1958, barely ahead of the Soviet Union Lev Yashin, reinforced in the 1956 Olympics, beat China in the 1958 World Cup qualifying, and won the Merdeka Cup in Malaysia 1961 and 1962. In addition, Kwee Hong Sing also tasted some degree with Persija Jakarta. He was recruited along with Irfan Bachdim Persema Malang, Malang Kim at Persema above invitation from Timo Scheunemann, when coach Persema to go to my hometown in Germany. A few weeks later along with Irfan Bachdim Kim and Alessandro Trabucco was invited to come to Indonesia to play in charity matches with other talented players for the football figures and Rusdy Lucky Acub Zaenal Bahalwan, in Malang and Surabaya.
Irfan Haarys Bachdim (born in Amsterdam, August 11, 1988, age 22 years) is an Indonesian footballer Dutch descent. [1] Currently it strengthens Premier League Persema Malang in Indonesia. He also joined in the Indonesian national team Alfred Riedl care for AFF Cup 2010. In the play, he can occupy various positions such as striker, midfielder or wing.
Irfan's father, Noval Bachdim an Indonesian citizen who was born in Malang and settled in Lawang, Malang until the 80s, before living in the Netherlands for more than 20 years. Hester van Dijic His mother is a Dutch citizen. Bachdim family lived in the city of Amsterdam. His grandfather Ali Bachdim is retired Navy. [3]
Irfan footballer born of the family. Her father is a former footballer from the club PS Dawn Lawang (member internal competition Persekam Malang) in the era of the 80s. His grandfather was a former player Ali Bachdim Persema PSAD Malang and Jakarta. [3][Edit] Career[Edit] In The Netherlands
Irfan started playing football at Ajax football academy. After three years he moved to SV Argon, where he became top scorer even though he played as a midfielder. Irfan then recruited by a talent scout FC Utrecht, and signed a contract with the club. He later played for the junior team of Utrecht, and occasionally into the senior team bench. After his contract was not extended, then in July 2009 he was transferred without cost to the club HFC Haarlem. [4][Edit] In Indonesia
In March 2010, Irfan following the selection of players in Inter's Persib Bandung and Jakarta, but the two clubs did not choose it. August 9, 2010, he was recruited coach Persema Malang, Timo Scheunemann, after the coach saw Irfan game and young players competing for a charity football figures Lucky Acub Zaenal Gajayana Stadium, Malang. [5] Irfan Bachdim recruited together with Kim Jeffrey Kurniawan, Indonesian-German-blooded player who formerly played in FC Heidelsheim.
Ketikak Persema Super League decided to migrate from Indonesia to the Indonesian Premier League, Irfan Persema had wanted to leave because of the threat can not strengthen the squad. [6] [7] But ultimately he chose to commit to Persema by signing a contract for three years [8] [9] , because it constantly intimidated by the PSSI to get out of Persema, [10] [11] although some clubs LSI offers a large contract. [11] Finally Menpora ensure his right to appear in the national team [12] and he called to strengthen the national team U- 23 Sea Games in 2011 and 2012 Olympics qualifiers.
National Team
In 2006, Irfan was virtually defended the football team U-23 Indonesia at the Asian Games in Qatar. But he should be absent from the tournament due to injury.
In the AFF Cup 2010, he joined the Indonesian senior national team under coach Alfred Riedl. Indonesia's first debut with the national team he was starting when the national team 6-0 in friendly match against East Timor, in Kilkenny on November 21, 2010. His first appearance with the national team in an official tournament occurred on December 1, 2010, while Indonesia beat Malaysia 5-1 at Bung Karno at the event AFF 2010. Irfan himself scored 1 goal in the match. [13][Edit] International GoalsIrfan Bachdim: Gol Gol International Stadium Date Opponent Result Score Matches1 December 1, 2010 Bung Karno Main Stadium, Jakarta, Indonesia 5-1 Malaysia 5-1 AFF Suzuki Cup 20102 December 4, 2010 Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta, Indonesia Laos 0-4 0-6 AFF Suzuki Cup 2010
Senin, 11 April 2011
Battle of Badr
Battle of Badr (Arabic: غزوة بدر, ghazawāt Badr), was the first major battle between the Muslim community against its enemies. This war occurred on March 17, 624 AD or 17 Ramadan 2 AH. Small army of Muslims, amounting to 313 combat troops to face the Quraysh [1] of Mecca, amounting to 1,000 people. After fighting it out about two hours, troops crush Muslim Quraish defense forces, who then retreated in chaos.
Before this battle, the Muslims and the inhabitants of Mecca had been involved in several small-scale armed conflict between the late 623 to early 624, and armed conflicts are increasingly frequent. Nevertheless, the Battle of Badr was the first large-scale battles that occurred between the two forces. Muhammad when it was leading a small army in an attempt to make an interception against the caravans of Quraish who had just returned from Syria, when he was struck by the presence of Quraish troops are much bigger. Muhammad is highly disciplined troops moving forward against the opponent's defense position is strong, and managed to destroy Mekkah defense once killed several prominent leaders of Quraysh, among other alias is Abu Jahl bin Hisham Amr.
For the early Muslims, this battle is very meaningful because it is the first evidence that they might eventually defeat their enemies in Mecca. Mecca at that time was one of the richest and most powerful city in the Arabian era ignorance. The victory of the Muslims also demonstrate to other Arab tribes that a new force has risen in Arabia, and strengthening the authority of Muhammad as leader of various community groups that previously Medina frequently in conflict. Various Arab tribes began to embrace Islam and building alliances with the Muslims in Medina; thus, the expansion of Islam began.
The defeat of Quraish in the Battle of Badr cause they vowed to take revenge, and this happened about a year later at the Battle of Uhud.
Battle of Badr (Arabic: غزوة بدر, ghazawāt Badr), was the first major battle between the Muslim community against its enemies. This war occurred on March 17, 624 AD or 17 Ramadan 2 AH. Small army of Muslims, amounting to 313 combat troops to face the Quraysh [1] of Mecca, amounting to 1,000 people. After fighting it out about two hours, troops crush Muslim Quraish defense forces, who then retreated in chaos.
Before this battle, the Muslims and the inhabitants of Mecca had been involved in several small-scale armed conflict between the late 623 to early 624, and armed conflicts are increasingly frequent. Nevertheless, the Battle of Badr was the first large-scale battles that occurred between the two forces. Muhammad when it was leading a small army in an attempt to make an interception against the caravans of Quraish who had just returned from Syria, when he was struck by the presence of Quraish troops are much bigger. Muhammad is highly disciplined troops moving forward against the opponent's defense position is strong, and managed to destroy Mekkah defense once killed several prominent leaders of Quraysh, among other alias is Abu Jahl bin Hisham Amr.
For the early Muslims, this battle is very meaningful because it is the first evidence that they might eventually defeat their enemies in Mecca. Mecca at that time was one of the richest and most powerful city in the Arabian era ignorance. The victory of the Muslims also demonstrate to other Arab tribes that a new force has risen in Arabia, and strengthening the authority of Muhammad as leader of various community groups that previously Medina frequently in conflict. Various Arab tribes began to embrace Islam and building alliances with the Muslims in Medina; thus, the expansion of Islam began.
The defeat of Quraish in the Battle of Badr cause they vowed to take revenge, and this happened about a year later at the Battle of Uhud.
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